Moving at Night The Holistic Challenge of Bike Riding in the Dark
If you like to bike as much as I do and you depend on it you probably also bike at night. In many cases it is more enjoyable and safer, but often it is labeled as dangerous and perhaps even risky. Normal 0 false false false ENUS XNONE XNONE Style Definitions table.MsoNormalTable msostylenameTable Normal msotstylerowbandsize0 msotstylecolbandsize0 msostylenoshowyes msostylepriority99 msostyleqformatyes msostyleparent msopaddingalt0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt msoparamargin0in msoparamarginbottom.0001pt msopaginationwidoworphan fontsize11.0pt fontfamilyCambria,serif msoasciifontfamilyCambria msoasciithemefontminorlatin msofareastfontfamilyTimes New Roman msofareastthemefontminorfareast msohansifontfamilyCambria msohansithemefontminorlatin So if you bike at night, it usually is around a definite schedule, where as day time biking can meet the demands of all types of bikers. In the night, you tend to have more specific locations where we are going. It requires more planned precision that day riding....